Air pollution:
- Complaints
about smoke from people's homes and property are dealt with by LA environmental health officers (EHOs).
- Complaints
about excessive exhaust fumes from vehicles should be made to the local department of transport vehicle inspectorate.
- You have a right
to know which open spaces in your area are designated as public common land.
Dog nuisance:
- BCBC must clear
dog mess from streets, roads and parks. If you think a particular dog is a danger you should contact the police.
- If you feel
a dog is more of a nuisance, contact BCBC.
- You are responsible
for all drains leading from your property until they connect to a public sewer.
- If a neighbour
refuses to unblock their drains you can complain to BCBC and they will take action.
- BCBC has a duty
to monitor the quality of drinking water, and if you are worried about your own supply you can ask BCBC to test it, but both
supply and drinking water quality are now the responsibility of the water company.
- If you get water
from a private source such as a well or spring, BCBC has a responsibility to test its quality. BCBC can also make a supplier
improve a supply.
-You have the
right to object to any licensed business at the time of original licence application or at annual renewal, and can also complain
if you believe that the terms of a license are being contravened.
- You can complain
to BCBC if it fails to clear litter within the target times set down by the litter laws.
- If the rubbish is still not
cleared after five days written notice, you may apply to the local magistrates for a litter abatement order.
smoke, smells and other nuisances:
- You can complain
to an environmental health officer of BCBC if you think your health or enjoyment of your home or property is being spoilt.
in the road:
- You can complain
to BCBC if you think that a builder's skip, scaffolding, street stall or objects such as bricks or cement are causing a danger
or nuisance.
Pest control:
- In general you
are responsible for dealing with any pests found on your own property.
- BCBC must keep pests under control on its own
- You are entitled
to examine any planning application, and make objections or comments before it is considered by councillors.
- The time limit
for comment or objection is usually 28 days after their advertisement in the paper.
of way:
- You can ask
BCBC to create new rights of way.
- BCBC can alter,
restrict or even close rights of way, but only after consulting the public.
- BCBC must maintain
and signpost all rights of way and must clear obstructions if requested.
- You have a right
to see your LA recycling plan, comment on it and make suggestions. There are financial incentives for some kinds of recycling.
and pavements:
- BCBC has a duty
to maintain all local roads and pavements and roads properly. You should tell BCBC if you think that defective or icy pavements
or roads may cause an accident.
- BCBC can also
take action to put up and improve road signs.
- English motorways
and trunk roads are the responsibility of the highways agency although BCBC may carry out day-to-day maintenance of stretches passing through their areas.
- If you have
been injured because the council has failed to maintain a road or pavement properly, you may be able to claim compensation.
- You may also
be able to claim if there was damage to something you own, like your car.
- You can complain
to BCBC about problems arising from utilities' street works if the utility company is being uncooperative.
collection and illegal dumping:
- BCBC has a duty
to collect everyday household rubbish.
- BCBC must also
collect other rubbish from your home such as old sofas, fridges and waste for gardens.
- You can also
complain to BCBC about "fly tipping".
management and parking:
- You should complain
to BCBC about any local traffic and parking problem.
- They can introduce
permanent, temporary and/or peak hour controls. They can also carry out "traffic calming" measures, for instance by installing
road humps to slow down traffic.
- BCBC has a duty
to publicise, and you have a right to comment on, any proposed traffic management or parking controls.
- BCBC is responsible
for trees in parks or on the highways only.
- BCBC will investigate
complaints regarding tree pruning within three working days and remedial action will be undertaken within 10 working days
of investigation.
- If a tree on
your land is dangerous you can ask your council to make it safe (they may charge for this). You can also ask them to take
action on dangerous trees that affect your property.
Find your local councillor here.