Carers Week 11-17 June
There are around 6 million carers in the UK. The role of carers can be extremely rewarding, but also incredibly
demanding and stressful. I would like to know about your experiences of being a carer in our community and what you feel can
be done to assist carers locally.
Please cut and paste the following questions and send them to me in an email to:
What do you feel are the main problems facing you as a carer and how do you feel that these can be resolved?
How helpful have you found the health service locally and what more could they be doing to help you as a carer?
What more do you feel could be done in the local area to help new carers in their role?
Do you have any issues with local transport and how do you feel that these can be resolved?
Do you have any additional comments that you feel may be of use?
You may also like to join the consultation on the NHS new deal for carers webiste. Please click here to have your say.