Press Releases by Madeleine Moon MP
Raising Awareness of Parkinsons Disease (April 28th 2006)
Parkinson's Disease Reception
First Great Western Trains
Local MP Congratulates local residents for Taking a Stand.
Local MP takes advice surgery online
Local MP welcome Families Budget 22/03/2007
Madeleine Moon MP welcomes new hope for mesothelioma sufferers in Bridgend.
Madeleine Moon MP backs World Health Organisation call to make every day Mothers Day 14/03/2007
Maggot Therapy 26/02/2007
MP Pledges Better Financial Deal For Cancer Patients 06/02/2007
MP Urges Local Parents To Use Their Child Trust Fund 19/01/07
Bridgend Railway Station to Receive Vital Investment 15/11/06
Local MP takes Farepak Appeal to the Streets of Bridgend (27 Nov 2006)
Bridgend Railway Station to Receive Vital Investment (15 Nov 2006)
MPs protest at Israeli Military Action (07 Nov 2006)
Christmas has come early for KPC Youth (25 Oct 2006)
Bio- fuels have a Key Role to Play in Countering Climate Change (24 Oct 2006)
Madeleine Moon MP Calls for Renewed Commitment on Biodiversity (June 15th 2006)
Biodiversity Targets (May 9th 2006)
Raising Awareness of Parkinsons Disease (April 28th 2006)
MPs Surgeries
A LOTTERY FOR THE FUTURE (April 21st 2006)
END FOR SILENT CALLERS (April 21st 2006)
Visit to Archbishop McGrath School (Jan 27th 2006)
Campaign to Prevent Avoidable Blindness (Jan 30th 2006)
Concerns over Closure of Youth Project (Jan 31st 2006)
Search for UK's Top Manufacturer (Feb 3rd 2006)
Declining NHS Dentists in Bridgend (Feb 13th 2006)
Free our streets from Blight of Knife Crime (Feb 16th 2006)
Minister to meet with KPCY (Feb 17th 2006)
Bridgend Credit Union (Feb 12th 2006)
Be Prepared for Flooding (March 1st 2006)
Bid to Cut Scalding Deaths (April 4th 2006)
Archived Material

April 28th 2006

Madeleine Moon MP Raising Awareness of Parkinson’s Disease


Bridgend MP Madeleine Moon last week joined forces with the Parkinson’s Disease Society as they launched their Get it on Time campaign to ensure that people with Parkinson’s get their medication on time.


Mrs Moon held a Westminster Hall Debate in Parliament on raising awareness of the issue to also coincide with Parkinson’s Awareness Week.


“Following 25 years of work within Health and Social Services, I find it very difficult to understand how a Charity focusing on a long term degenerative condition should need to launch a campaign that focuses on patients receiving their medication on time.


“This is not just an issue of patient choice, but an example of health and social care settings failing to provide basic care, basic rights and basic protection and quality of life for those with Parkinson’s.


“If someone with the disease is unable to take their prescribed medication at the right time, the chemical balance in the brain is altered or disrupted and so their disease can become uncontrollable.


Mrs Moon met with people who suffer from the disease at a Parliamentary Reception in Westminster organised by the Parkinson’s Disease Society, giving them an opportunity to meet and lobby their MPs on issues that mattered to them. Those who attended included Alun Morgan, Chair of the local Parkinson’s Disease Society. (Pictured with Mrs Moon)


“I know that there is no simple reason why people with Parkinson’s may not get their medication on time. All too often nurses and care staff may not understand the condition or how important it is to stick to a medication regime. On the whole Hospitals do not allow patients to bring into hospital the medication that was dispensed at home by their GP and that works for them. The hospital may not then have the required medication or it may take some time to obtain it.


“The lack of understanding of Parkinson’s Disease, coupled with the inflexibility of drugs rounds in hospitals and care homes, can have a devastating effect on the patients functioning.


“Medication on time means independence, dignity, safety, control, protection – all priorities which have been implemented in the Governments Dignity in Care campaign. Along with medication that is given on time, people with Parkinson’s will be given dignity.”